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Old 12-07-2009, 06:09 PM   #12
Windy Corner of a Dirty Street
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Re: I think my truck is trying to tell me something

Good save on avoiding the accident!

Man, I can’t believe you waited 2 years to yank that 60 out of the donor truck and put it in the ’69! That 60 would have lasted about 10 minutes after the donor got home before it got yanked if it were me.

You might want to throw in a fresh set of king pins in that 60 while you are at it. As strong as the 60’s are it seems every one of them needs a fresh set of king pins after about 10 years of service.

I could sure use that NP205 if it is has a 32 spline input and round bolt pattern for my NV4500 swap if you ever want to get rid of it.
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