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Old 12-09-2009, 12:03 AM   #7
Test Pilot
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Re: Something doesn't look right with my disk spindles

Originally Posted by stealthy '69 View Post
I was wondering the same thing last night at work. I guess I'll get everything put together and see what it does when it's an the ground. If that doesn't fix the problem, could I just cut off the steering stops or do I need them on there. The only thing I can think of is that the tires would rub when turning since there is nothing to stop them. Or I suppose I could cut them off, put everything together, and weld new stops to the LCA's. Any thoughts?
If you can cut/grind, and weld, you could probably modify rather than remove them. Like maybe cut away some material, but not all of it then weld in a piece of flat stock or what ever will fit and use that. Totally eliminating isn't the end of the world, but personally if I can I'd rather have a mechanical stop other than internal components of the box.
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