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Old 12-10-2009, 05:44 PM   #7
big mike71
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Re: Trim question, need opinions.

Originally Posted by DT1 View Post
I stripped the anodizing with a 10-1 mix of sodium hydroxide (lye)and water then used a regular window screen roller to gently push out the minor dents. On the bigger dents I used a formed plastic bar to tap and finish with the roller. It was sanded smooth with one of those Sonicrafters that you see on TV and buffed with black cutting compound and a denim wheel. I sent it out to a local shop to re-anodize and then i used SEM trim paint and replacement wood grain tape from LMC.
Here's a picture of the grill after stripping, removing dents/pits and scotchbrite. I'll buff this weekend and send to the anodizer.
On two guys garage they had some kind of do it self anodizer, but I missed the name It looked pretty cool. There's a nice set of trim on K.C. craigslist for 100 bones.
I'm not as good as I once was, But I'm as good once as I ever was.
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