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Old 12-12-2009, 01:36 AM   #1
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Location: Spokane WA
Posts: 254
Hydroboost brakes.. Thanks CaptainFab

Hi all,

Just wanted to drop some pics and thank John for an excellent product. Some have heard of these boosters while others have not, I just wanted to tell anyone that cares to listen I personally will not use any other booster any longer. I did this conversion in my SS396 due to a very large cam and zero vacuum and I have never been happier, it is far superior to any vac boost. There are some commercial sites that sell kits that cost upwards of 1k.. With what John is building its a fraction of the cost if you have been hesitant about doing the swop. I might have 150$ into my whole set up by the time I am finished and I am considering that on the high end. His products are excellent and if you have questions about how, what, where, when Captainfab can give you the details and I also have alot of exp with these systems and would be glad to help. Drop me a pm if you have any questions. Again thanks John clean easy install for the booster, or as it appears any booster.

Truck is still in its baby phase but it will be on the road in the spring, I have a collection of pics and will start a build thread soon, just wanted to have it up to where I can show some progression pretty constant.


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