1955 Short Bus build
I figured it would be better to start a build thread that I can keep updating with pics and post questions. I bought this from a guy who drove it when it was brand new and then bought it from the school district in '62. He put a couple of beds, a counter sink and small stove in it and used it for camping a few times. It hadn't really been used in the last 20+ years when I finally talked him into selling. After 3 years of bugging the poor guy, he must have just gotten tired of me coming by. It's been sitting on the back burner for the last 9 months or so, and I had actually listed it for sale, but my kids gave me SOoooo much crap about it that I decided to keep it and just get started on it. Here's some pics of when I bought it. When the 355/350 gets put in this next week or so, I'll post some more pics.
And when I said that it was short, I meant short. That's an 18 foot car trailer that we hauled it home on.