Originally Posted by alden
A few questions on this, hope you don't mind my mini-thread jack
Where on the dash frame does this go? The previous owner had some things grounded to a bolt on the steering column support, is that right?
Mine was previously just grounded right at the base of the gas tank in the cab through a screw that went into the cab floor. Is this correct?
What does the horn wire go to in the column? I got a new turn signal cup with wiring because my old one had been abandoned long ago, but it doesn't have a wire for the horn. So I tried to use the old horn wire but I think it is dry rotted and is grounding somewhere within the column so if that's hooked up the second I hook up the battery the horn starts blasting away. I even removed the horn button (the small part that goes inside of the steering wheel that creates the ground) and then later the whole steering wheel and it was still going off as soon as there was power from the battery.
If I'm just trying to use a key ignition, do I need an additional ground somewhere?
Where on the engine do I connect the ground? I have located the starter ground which goes to a bolt down low on the cab, and my battery was previously ground to a bolt at the front of the engine head, but I can't for the life of me see anywhere that the engine itself may have been grounded except maybe through the motor mounts (using the mounts as the connection, there is no cable).
I can see where my bed was jumped to the frame, but I don't see where the cab was, is there a specific spot where that should be?
My headlight switch has a ground wire going behind the dash.
Your fuel sender sounds right.
The horn button is grounded when you press the button. That's what makes it blow. The wire should go down through the steering column and out the bottom and then into the wiring harness. If it blows all the time, you've got a short, probably somewhere inside the steering column.
The key switch should be grounded by the bezel screwed into the dash.
I'm not sure where the engine is grounded. I'll take a look at mine and get back to you.
I *think* the cab is grounded to the frame through the cab mounts.