Thread: stereo systems
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Old 12-15-2009, 12:53 AM   #16
terd ferguson
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Re: stereo systems

Originally Posted by britnjc View Post
terd, I am with you. I have always loved pioneer head units. I would have loved to use one in my truck and saved the extra 100 bucks but they just wouldnt fit. I have a 50 gmc and the knobs are offset a little.
Here's my idea to deal with the dash and a modern radio not fitting...

I'd buy the repop chrome radio knobs along with the repop "glass" (the part with the tuning numbers) and mount those with no other factory radio parts. That's just for looks to fill the factory holes in the dash. By the way, have you priced a used factory radio for these? Even if they don't work, the money they pull is ridiculous.

Then for mounting the new head unit, I'd make an aluminum (or similar) box just like the factory cardboard glove box and put the head unit in there. I've got a plastic box type thing used for mounting a head unit under your dash that would work great in the glove box with a metal (instead of cardboard) box. At least this is my plan when I get to the point of fixing my cut up dash.

I imagine you could do the same with your GMC, although I'm not sure if they repop the knobs and such. You may already have them anyway? One thing I hate in an older style build is a modern radio right in the dash. It just looks so out of place. Now the trucks in the truckin' mags is a different story. They look fine in those. I like them, it's just not my style.

Here's the radio mount I was talking about. I'd imagine I'd screw it to the top of the new metal glovebox. Underneath could still be used for small storage, it's not much taller than the head unit...

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