Thread: TX parts cheap or free
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Old 12-16-2009, 11:41 PM   #1
hotrod 80
mini truck racer
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parts cheap or free

I am cleaning the garage . This stuff will go for a couple of bucks shipping of pick it up for free . Respond in thread .
1.New repop rockers . Have surface rust . Free for pickup or you pay shipping say $25 ? .BOXED UP AND HEADED OUT

2. Grab bag of lights andf lenses . $12.50 shipped to lower 48 picked up

3. Fleet side splash gaurd , don't know what side . $14 shipped . GONE

4. GMC centers . I beileve they are 88/89 , Some chrome peeling . $12 shipped . SHIPPED
1949 5-window
1969 Camaro
1976 Chevy Luv yellow
1978 Chevy Luv Blue
1976 Chevy Luv Black
1979 Firebird Flooded in Harvey
1999 F350 Dually
2005 GMC Sierra 4.8 RCSB
2014 Explorer (wifes)

My build :

Build #2:

Last edited by hotrod 80; 12-21-2009 at 06:16 PM.
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