hopping in for the following:
69-72 Blazer Rocker Boxes New Left and Right - $250 OBO
69-72 Blazer Rocker Box Rear Support Panels New Left and Right - $180 OBO
69-72 Rocker Box End Cap New Left and Right - $100 OBO
67-72 Inner Rocker and Floor Extension Left and Right (Right Side has been cut down to fit Blazer) - $100 OBO
69-72 Blazer Rear Cab Pillars Left and Right New $40 OBO
67-72 Truck and Blazer Front Cab Pillar Patch Panel New - $40 OBO
69-72 Blazer Lower Forward Bed Patch Panel New - $50 OBO
I will also take the Blazer door seals for $40 if it gets to me -
Let me know your best price on this stuff shipped to 43615.
Thanks. I posted a WTB ad for some of this stuff not too long ago...