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Old 12-19-2009, 02:08 PM   #184
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Re: 55 2nd serie GMC

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
Lame a** excuse. If they were problems with the prep he should have warned you. Most people do not have the equipment or skills required (myself included) to work on heavy guage stuff like bumpers and get it perfect; that's why we take it to "professionals". If you are going to offer a specialized service do it right or go back to what ever low quality job you had before. I think you need to post a factual review in the vendors section on this company. But then I'm in a cranky mood today too.
Amen brother! I get so tired of the vendors that blame their faulty work on the customer after the fact. Paint shops will do the same if you do your own body work...mechanics will do the same if you supply your own parts, matter what it's always YOUR fault and there never seems to be anything you can do about it. Try not paying for the service and see how far that gets ya! Anyhoo...I think it looks great from here and I wish my truck was as far along as yours and I'm jealous. Plus there's always that karma thing, maybe that chrome guy will be a dung beetle in his next life or something. Hope that helps!
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