Thread: 4x4 help
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Old 12-20-2009, 06:25 PM   #6
Momma Tried.
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Re: 4x4 help

1. The older models were good till they got computers..( I perfer my 327 personally)
2. They are not full time.
3. Around 30s I think. Why do you want the stock size?..
4. You could get a new intake, 4 barrel carb and air cleaner and only be about 300-400$'s but the carb could effect gas mileage.
5. like bob said.
6. 4 high is if your going through a field and Get stuck. 4 low is if your really screwed and stucked good. I would not recommend driving in 4 wheel drive at all when going on the road.. even if it is snowy or anything. thats kinda stupid.
7.Replace them all dude. It always helps to have new fluid.
1980 c10 4x4 project (Sold):
1999 F-150 4x4 (DD)
Saving up for a 64
17 and loving it.

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