Hello again,
Well you guys were right....it was/is a vacuum leak!!
When I installed the trans-dapt 2206 adapter plate, two of the bolts that hold the TBI in place are positioned directly over the edge of the spreadbore on the intake!! when I tightened these bolts down they crushed the intake where it sealed to the adapter plate!! I did not think I was applying that much torque, the bolts went in really easy..but did a lot of damage to the soft intake.
Well, I ordered another intake after finding the problem. I think this will "fix" my leaks.
As for the fuel pump...I do have a summit feul pressure gauge, 3/8 aluminum line to and from the tank, and a TBI fuel pump mounted inside the tank. I will check the voltage going to the pump and will also try moving the fuel pressure gauge closer to the tank to see if I have a kink or restriction in the line somewhere.
Is there a way to remove the intake so that no coolant gets into the oil? I am tired on buying 5 quarts of oil every time I pull the intake off. I do drain the raditor before removing but there is always some coolant left in the intake.
Thanks again for all your help and Happy Holidays.