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Old 12-21-2009, 08:00 PM   #1
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Bed wood miss drilled on 55 AD

I got my wood bed lit from Classic parts and finished the wood installed the side rails mounted the X members and installed the side rail wood. I went to install the second boards which has the front mounting holes and the holes don't line up in with the x member. everything is loose so I can make adjustments but the are off by 1/2 inch. I measured a 54 short bed that a guy owns in my neighborhood and in measures 2 1/2 inches end of board to center of hole. The boards Classic Truck Parts sent measures 2" end of board to center of hole. I paid the premium price of $30.00 for pre drilled boards and this is what I get? Where could I find what the hole measurements should be ? It was late and I could not call CTP. Would a 1951 short be different? when I got my parts and invoice it states very clear on the invoice " Bed mounting Hole Installation 1951 8 Board Short Stepside" under Item # it has "51 8BSS"
I am going to call them but would like some information before I do. Thanks a lot for the help. here is a pic.

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