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Old 12-21-2009, 10:40 PM   #17
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Re: Air Ride Install - '69 Chevrolet SWB Stepside

thanks gang for the props. hope I can document this project enough to help someone out. I want to stick with a budget and find the best deals. I also want this project to be completely bolt-on.

Chris, the axle tube was about 3.5" from the notch before I started. the differential would bang the bottom of the bed before it got to that point though.

my plans aren't to drag or to lay frame. as much as I would love to, I think at this point I want something that will be around 3" from laying frame. maybe in a few years (and a bit more welding practice), I'll take the plunge go to all the way to the floor.

been trying to decide what bags I want to go with. Keith (lolife99) like his Slam Specialties RE-7. however, I found some Airlift Dominator D2600's for a great price on Ebay. now the question is, which one. both are comparable to each other. we'll see......

started the exciting task of separating the front ball joints. I hate ball joints. absolutely hate them.

well, more to come when I have updates.

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