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Old 12-22-2009, 02:15 AM   #2
John Fabris
TOTY 2006
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Re: Rocker panel seam

From Factory, seam is visible.

Filled's only advantange is for smoother custom look (in my opinion).
If you fill it, wether weld or bondo, make sure you have seam cleaned before you weld or bondo it, and then make sure you seal it well with correct paint. I filled mine, and like it. Make sure you have your doors hung when you do this soas to fill in gaps and either create a rounded corner or square corner to match your door corner to the door opening corner when your door is shut. (hope that makes sence)
John Fabris
67 C10 SWB

Last edited by John Fabris; 12-22-2009 at 02:16 AM.
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