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Old 04-24-2003, 11:42 AM   #1
Long Knight
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Question Exhaust Gasket from header to ex.pipe

I am going to replace the paper gasket between my header and exhaust pipe coupler (triangle shape with three bolt holes). I am wondering if you have to use a flat gasket or if you can use a doughnut gasket like they use on ram horns? Those doughnut gaskets seem like they work good.

I got a set of these thin copper flat gaskets I am thinking about trying to seal the suckers up. Are those good to use? If not I'll take them back because they were a little pricey. I'm just tired of hearing and smelling the exhaust leak!

Thanks everyone!
Long Knight

'71 C-20, 350ci, TH350, Edl. 1406 Carb w/elec.choke, Ignitor ignition, Viper Tires, Orange Dipstick
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