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Old 04-24-2003, 02:17 PM   #9
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youire best bet is go thumbing through a trder or car paper and find a mid 70's 3/4 chevy ,,you can buy em with shot bodys and no motor for around 200 bucks all day long,, the swap is pretty simple except there will be some things youll need, your driveshaft lengths wil be the same you shounldnt need to change them ,, but you will have to buy some conversion or adapter u joints that have one side half ton to fit youre shaft and the other side 3/4 ton to fit youre rears,, youll also need to buy new u bolts ,, youre old ones from the half ton wont work ,,the 3/4 tubes are bigger, plus you never want to go back with old u bolts when new ones are only about 5 or 8 bucks apiece,, all youre break lines should match up just fine, if you like the tires youre running on youre alf ton i have a set of 10 inch wide, white spoke 8 lug 15 inch chevy rims,, they let ya run youre 15 inch tirs on 3/4 tons, you have to shave the calipers a little but they are good for all tire options, ,, exdepending on youre half ton gear ratios, your new 3/4 ton axles will more than likley have 4:11's, so get ready to find a taller tire, when we did my 3/4 axle swap in an 86 blazer it had a th350 with a 208 and it wrapped te motor pretty tight at 55 miles an hour with a set of 33's,,, i hope some of this can be of some assistance, by the way, it is so so so worth the work youre going to put in it, youll have a whole new truck when you put 3/4 stuff underneath it,,a short cut is if youre truck doesnt have any lift you might or should be able to jusyt leave the 3/4 ton axles bolted to the springs and just swap springs and all ,,i think there is a little ifference in front spring length but ive done it before and you couldnt tell it,,,

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