Re: Who has the aftermarket chrome clamp on turn signal housing?
Originally Posted by OrrieG
I thought the after market ones had a flasher in the signal assembly? Maybe you have it wired thru the flasher on the fuse panel and the double flasher is causing the blink? Flashers are capacitor, putting them in series would just change the charge/discharge time if I remember my electric 101 right. Have you checked to see if your tail/brake lights are blinking at the same time?? Or is it just the indicator light. If its related to engine rpm then it might be some kind of feedback through the charging circuit? Is the charging signal light or guage wired to the same circuit as the turn/brake??
The only thing abnormal about the turn signals and tail lamps is the red light on the turn signal lever housing flashing and clicking whenever there is more throttle than idle. Everything works as it should both with headlights on and off and brake lights on and off. The directions for the signal lever housing show it being wired to a flasher (which I did, and the harness has provisions for the flasher). I don't know, I'm kind of stumped. It didn't do it with the old housing light (I got a new one because the old one was nasty). If I remember right, the red light didn't come on with the old one.
"I never apologize. I'm sorry, but that's just the way I am." - Homer J. Simpson
1955 2nd Series Chevy "King Of Trucks"