Originally Posted by echo72
 I like your build a lot. I just bought a 72 Cheyenne LWB, and I hope to get started rebuilding it soon. What did your seats come out of? 
What are you waiting for? Start that build thread!

The seats are out of a '90 Acura Integra. They are temporary until I find new seats.
Originally Posted by gcburdic
Yep....knowing now what you didn't know then is going to help the next one move along quicker!!!  ....And anything with less rust than this one will easier
Let us know when the next one starts up....OH I love your burb too!!!...I think I'm bound and determined to get one....especially ochre and white!!! 
Well I have two projects that will start as soon as I can sell a couple of things. Three months ago I bought a '98 short bed 2WD Sierra, it has been my DD. The plan for that is a 4/6 with some 17's. The second will be a more of a build. I've decided to take my '93 Silverado to the next level. I'll start a build thread soon as I shuffle things around.
I have had so much fun with my 'Burb. Good luck with your Suburban purchase. You know me, I love two tones.