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Old 04-25-2003, 12:15 AM   #14
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Location: Bertrand, Nebraska
Posts: 355
Well I'm sorry If I offended anyone. Hey Mac I figured it was just you and I having a little fun with our fine competition out there. But anyway now you've really got me thinking, cause the last I knew GM owns over 50% of Izuzu, that's not a fact that I am extremely proud of but hey that's why I said they were making there own engines and the Detroit division made the 6.2 and the 6.5 so even before the Duramax you can still say they tried. And why would Chevrolet have to "buy" the Allison when the last I knew it is a Div. of GM and has been for many years. And by the way Mac I agree with you, this is A Chevy board and I think it's perfectly natural to poke fun at our competition, you can bet they are doing the same thing about us on some of there boards. So any of you Ford guys looking in and don't like what we write, remember it's all in fun.
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