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Old 04-25-2003, 04:04 AM   #14
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: fort worth, Texas
Posts: 24


Your estimate of $1500.00 is way, way off!

I would never try to extort money from the people who want one of these tops. None of us are rich, we just want a top! I want one too!! That's why I made the thing! My thoughts are to make my idea come to pass. Get the Blazer people a top. I wanted a top for 20 years, even before I owned a Blazer! Now the time has come.

I'll probably will never recoupe the labor (hundreds of hours), maybe some, but to see my creation on someones Blazer, that's where its all at!

I'm planning on trying to set up this Mastercard/Visa thing so people can get one. They said it will cost me about $20.00 for each top I sell?

My honest thought are somewhere in the $800.00 range? Don't quote me on that, because I haven't produced the final figures, but that's my thoughts. I want people to have a top.

If any of you guys want one, then let me know, and I'll kinda get a tally of interest as I come up to the day of production.

I'm not a mass fiberglass guy, I'm someone who want's a top for myself and hopefully I can help others.

P.S. I like this board, I've met some nice people! Oh, and thanks for the feed back........all of you!

Any questions, let me know,

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