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Old 12-31-2009, 09:17 AM   #5
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Re: LSx motor mount question

Yes you can use the rear mounts but you will have many more questions. Did you read any of the thread I linked to?

There are adapter plates that put the engine in the stock location, forward 1 inch, rearward 1 inch along with all kinds of custom aplications. If you do a little reading you will find out everything you want to know. I did weeks, months of research and put it all in one place to try and help others with these swaps.

If you want to keep your stock transmission (which has been discussed recently) you will need either an adapter or a certain flywheel. If you want to go with an overdrive which are all longer (except the 200) you "may" want to move the engine forward. Do you want to use a clutch or electric fan? If you want to use a 700R4 you need a TV cable so you would need a Drive by cable instead of a drive by wire throttle body (although I did see one installation where an ingenious person installed the TV cable to the drive by wire pedal). By spending some time reading the FAQ links in that thread you will find a bunch of questions you hadn't thought to ask.

Good luck you will like the 5.3. I haven't read one person say I wish I hadn't done it. It can get expensive if you are not prepared to do a lot of it yourself (harness, fuel pump or tank, electric fans and or new radiator).

There are a couple of build threads in that link where these swaps were done on the cheap (around $2000+ I think) but I see many in the $4-5000+ range. I am just trying to give you all the information you need.
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