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Old 01-01-2010, 12:00 AM   #7
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Re: aluminum polish did I miss a step?

You should start with the dark stick, go to the green stick, and then finish with the white buffing compound.

Sand only with wet and dry sand paper, using WD-40 as a wetting lubricant to keep the paper clean (Instead of water). You will be able to sand for a long time that way. start with a 600 grit and go to 2500 grit for your finish. Get your buffing wheels and start with a hard yellow wheel to "Cut" the rough finsih down, then go to a white stiff pad or wheel to use the green compound with, and go to a soft buff for the final polishing.

I use what is called "Razor Buffs" mounted on a die grinder to do my polishing--if I cannot get it to a buffing stand. The razor buffs come in 3" or 4" diameter sizes and are very thin, so they are easy to use. Go to the computer and goggle "razor Buffs"
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