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Old 01-01-2010, 01:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: Wa.
Posts: 20,143
3/4 ton vs 1/2 ton in a burb 4x4

When I first got into these trucks I wanted a 4x4 1/2 ton pick up. Later I realized since I use a truck for hauling and towing, a K20 would be a better choice. That's what I have now and feel like it was a good decision for the things I use a truck for.

But I was wondering does the same hold true for a burb? Most people really don't haul a lot inside the burb, but they do make great family haulers while pulling trailers and boats and such.

Several of my friends and I like to trek down to Speed Week at the Bonneville Salt Flats. We have been kicking around the idea of putting together a burb and getting an older large camper (something with a shower) to pull down there. Hotels are crazy expensive during the race days (they jack the prices up).

I have a 4x4 burb stashed away, an ex 3/4 ton converted to half. I was thinking we could use this with some helper bags in the rear. Front and rear sway bars etc. Or do you guys that pull large trailers think this is a bad idea and we should switch it back to 3/4 ton?

Thanks for any thoughts on this. We all have other projects right now, so we have a year or two to plan this out.
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