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Old 01-02-2010, 02:04 AM   #1
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Anyone here push snow?

I've been thinking about looking for a plow setup for my truck... probly want one for my 86 K10, it's more of a beater truck an I dont mind if the salt eats it up. I think I could make a few bucks, and save myself some hassle by doing my alley and friend and family's snow removal much quicker with a blade. I really don't know where to start. I have driven plow trucks, around the lots at various shops I've worked at but never more than to clear off a small parking lot. I've seen a few Meyer setups locally on craigslist, and some Western's but don't really know how to compare them.

The plow truck at work has a 7.6 western plow on it and I like it, but the controls would never work for me with a 4 speed shifter, Is there more than one way to mount the joystick?

What issues should I expect to have if I buy a "worked when removed" setup. I can assume it won't be a bolt and go opperation as that would't be my luck. Is it difficult to bleed the system?

I'd just like a few story's maybe from someone who's bought used plows and some pointers to look out for. Also some brad preferances and explain some avantages?
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