Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?
As far as the whole Sears tool line-up,which goes far beyond mechanic tools,has become a line-up of gimmicks,starting when Bob Villa started pitching for them.Now,they have all these infomercial quality tools.You know,something to buy out of curiousity only to find there`s a reason that tool hasn`t changed in 100 years.It`s Home Depot as as well.I`ve swung a hammer for over 35 years and never felt it was lacking in design.So,why try to reinvent perfection?I see these dang hammers with stubby noses,crooked handles all bent up,and slanted butt ends of the handle.How do you use the butt end to bump something?It needs to be squared with the handle.But,this stuff is made to grab a hold of Harry Homeowners who fill their garages with tools they never or hardly use.Like so many product these days,it`s about them getting your money in their pocket than about you getting a good product.Whenyou find a good value,stick with it.
I can`t tell how many weekends I`ve worked on my stuff and realized I needed a socket,wrench,extension,or whatever and run a 40 mile round trip to Sears for a single piece that let me get a job done that day.I wouldn`t give that up for the world.I drive right past all the hardware stores and Home Depot to go to Sears.Their tools have always done what I`ve asked of them.What more is to want other than bragging rights to a more expensive tool collection?I figure a 1/2" breaker bar and socket that can take a 5' pipe for leverage are good enough tools for me.
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Last edited by special-K; 01-03-2010 at 07:41 AM.