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Old 01-03-2010, 06:11 PM   #20
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Re: Rav's 1986 K10 Mini-Monster

Originally Posted by raveer2000 View Post
Oh no. We have a normal state class curriculum that must be followed. They have been learning brake systems. What better way to show they where a combination valve is than to have a body off the frame and to be able to show it to them. Doing a rear disk brake conversion will show them the differences between a disc/drum system and a disc/disc system, and the different valving that applies to each system. So you see its not just about working on an old chevy. Doesn't matter if it is an old mazda or toyota except that most of these country kids like chevy trucks, and many own them or will be inheriting them. Besides its not like we get too many modern cars in to have high school kids work on them.

I currently have 31 kids in my class this year. 12 second year students and 19 first year students. I teach 3- 2 hour classes each day.

cool, it realy helps to have real vehicle to show them. I know they are learing alot

So approx 10 kids in each class? thats not too bad, some of our programs here have 20-30 kids per instructor. Its real hard to get all the proper training done with that many kids.....and even that, some kids are just wasting space, and need to find another carrer path, we dont need any more turds in this industry, once again, thanks for taking the time to teach these kids, It takes some real patence
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