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Old 01-03-2010, 06:47 PM   #19
Middle-aged Curmudgeon
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Re: Any new, must have or don't waste your money tools?

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
As far as the whole Sears tool line-up,which goes far beyond mechanic tools,has become a line-up of gimmicks,starting when Bob Villa started pitching for them.Now,they have all these infomercial quality tools.You know,something to buy out of curiousity only to find there`s a reason that tool hasn`t changed in 100 years.It`s Home Depot as as well.I`ve swung a hammer for over 35 years and never felt it was lacking in design.So,why try to reinvent perfection?I see these dang hammers with stubby noses,crooked handles all bent up,and slanted butt ends of the handle.How do you use the butt end to bump something?It needs to be squared with the handle.But,this stuff is made to grab a hold of Harry Homeowners who fill their garages with tools they never or hardly use.Like so many product these days,it`s about them getting your money in their pocket than about you getting a good product.When you find a good value,stick with it.
That be the truth.
I bought a 40's vintage Disston thumbhole rip saw off Ebay a while back. Man! What a pleasure to use. I already had a couple of crosscuts and needed a rip to add to my working collection. This past summer I rebuilt all the rakes and soffits on my house. So fast and easy to cut all that up on scaffolding with a sharp hand saw and framing square, rather than drag a circular saw up there, with it's attendant cords, and weight, or holler down to somebody to cut it all for you.

You just can't beat or improve on a mature tool design. Stuff like that still has a rightful place if more guys knew how to use them.

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