How Tough are Our Trucks....
Here is why you shouldn't drive a ricer....
A couple of years ago I was sitting in a stopped line of traffic at a light.
It was dark and misting rain.
I had a Pepsi in my hand when the weirdest thing happened.
The can just exploded.
It sprayed all its contents on the dash.
Now...what would make that happen?
It turned out that a Lincoin Navigator monster SUV had slammed into the rear of the car behind me going full speed.
That car then smashed into my bumper.
That Lincoin hit the car behind me so hard that it drove the class 5 hitch on my truck between the front seats of the car behind me.
That meant that the hitch had to go through the engine and transmission of that little car.
The "thing" driving the SUV had not even applied her brakes.
She slammed us going 55-60mph.
There were four kids in the little Chevy Caviler (sp) but they made it okay. How.....I don't know.
The only damage to my truck was two bent rear bumper brackets that were fixed in ten minutes.
My front bumper wiped out the rear of a late model Grand Am and came through without a scratch.
The final toll was two totaled vehicles behind me,
And a totaled vehicle in front of me. My truck was fine.
I am just glad that no one was killed.
I gotta say this......those are some tough trucks.