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Old 01-06-2010, 08:16 PM   #4
The Older Generation

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Re: Changing an Ignition Lock Cylinder

Turn the key to the left as far as it will go BEFORE you insert a straightened paper clip or stiff wire into the hole in the face of the cylinder and “gently” push the spring loaded pin in. Turn the cylinder further to the left to remove it.

After you push the spring loaded pin in with the stiff wire and turn the cylinder further to the left you have to pull the wire out to finish turning it or it will bind. You can also turn it too far after you pull the wire out. That is when you have to wiggle the cylinder back and forth a little bit. If you wiggle it too much the pin will pop back out and you will have to start over. You should not have to put excessive turning pressure on it or push down hard on the spring loaded pin. Gentle and patience are the key words here...

For the people that read this thread that do not have an ignition key take the passenger door lock out and take it to your local locksmith. It should have a code number stamped into the lock case and the locksmith can cut a key from the code number. If none of the locks have been changed the key will fit the ignition.

Here is a picture of the code # location on the door lock.

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Last edited by LockDoc; 12-10-2014 at 10:48 AM.
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