I've been working off and on trying to figure out a cool, but fairly simple fuel filler modification for under the bed gas tanks. I've read a lot of threads and have seen some really cool stuff that people have come up with including in bed, tail light and side marker light. Each one of these requires modifications that require cutting and welding on the bed. Since my truck is already painted and the bed has been linered, I gave myself some pretty tight parameters on what I wanted to create, such as:
1. It should be a fairly simple mod that most people could accomplish with minimal skill
2. It should be bolt on
3. Absolutely NO cutting or drilling would be done on the bed (for painted trucks)
4. It must use existing holes
5. And it needed to be fairly cheap
Well, here's what I came up with. I still have to do some fine tuning, but I'm very happy with how it's turning out. Once I go smooth with it, I'll probably do a write up on the install. What da ya think????
** Marine fuel filler cap -
http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs...allpartial/0/0 **