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Old 01-10-2010, 07:22 PM   #1
"brand new second-hand"
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1973 hand throttle control-is it 4x4?

I bought a dash mounted hand throttle from a 73 2wd Cheyenne super. This piece mounts at the bottom of the dash above the gas pedal. the bracket bolts to the dash and the gas pedal, and you turn the knob which operates a cable that pushes down on the gas pedal, giving you a manual throttle-it's factory but I have never seen one before and was wondering what something like this may be worth? is it an rpo for 4x4"s? also this truck had a G86 locking diff and a RPO ZN9 opt. axle ratio#3.....anybody know what gear this could be? thanks steve
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Last edited by into69z; 01-10-2010 at 07:23 PM.
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