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Old 01-10-2010, 08:01 PM   #6
misshape grape
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Posts: 385
Re: What did you get done 1/10/2009 edition

hmmmmm where do I start..

this is how it looked monday morning

when I got home from the airport I noticed my wheel spacers arrived. So I put the wheels on. My brother and I went to the junkyard and we got a chrome bumper and a 1 piece back glass, and installed it. Middle of the week my left power window went out. so we replaced that motor, and put junkyard chrome door handles on, and lowered the front and rear more. we ended up replacing the right window motor yesterday,and i had to splice new plugs in. I really think thats all we did to it, and this is how it sits now...

Don't you just love rumors? I always find out stuff about myself that I had no idea I even did..
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