I just wanted to welcome a new member,...
CPPJEFF (Jeff@classicperform.com)
to the board.
This is a
big change for me personally,... because, as many of you know I wasn't a big fan off CPP.
You can see my
ugly replies in the review board section.
Jeff has joined the board, and hopes to correct any "customer service reputation issues" that CPP may have developed here at this site.
I recently placed an order and some how one item got missed.
Jeff called me and took care if it while I was on the phone with him.
Like I told Jeff,... CPP's Products have always been "top of the line".
(that was never an issue)
It's always been about customer service.
I've listed his personal email address if any members want to contact him in person at CPP.
So,... I'm trying
not to turn this into a "rant session",... but I just wanted to give Jeff a welcome from
www.67-72chevytrucks.com,... and to let all 60k+ members know he's here to help.