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Old 01-15-2010, 09:00 PM   #4
Middle-aged Curmudgeon
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Re: Tracking Arm/Rearend Question

I believe there are several different lengths of track bars, depending on what rear end you have and where the anchor points are. I've seen a couple of different frame mounts and then there were several different rear ends.

I went through sort of the same thing-- installed a Dana 60 in place of a 12-bolt. Original track bar wasn't even close to being the same. When hooked up my rear was way out of kilter like yours is.

I hunted up a track bar from a 3/4-ton and it wasn't right either (couple of inches too long). I got a big ratchet strap and pulled the body to the center of the rear, measured carefully, then cut the eye off the too-long bar, shortened the rod and welded it back together. Looks factory.

There are also adjustable length bars available.

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