Thread: TX Need help
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Old 01-17-2010, 02:55 PM   #17
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Re: Need help

OK a little brake cleaner reveals either a Z or N on 11 of the bolts one studded bolt next to drivers side rear corner of carb. The engine sling Drivers front appears to have standard hardware. I can supply it and the front and rear engine lifting eyes as well. The AC bracket appears to have standard hardware as well It is missing the very front pass. side AC bracket/intake bolt. I can supply these bolts but not the AC bracket. If there is a date stamp I would swap the 72 bracket for another bracket as long as it works same fit and function. I am not concerned with numbers matching stuff. I do also have the sheetmetal tabs that hold a vacum line on pass. side of carb and the line that fits it. The intake could be for sale and also has the waterneck with GM # still on it. I used my stock valve covers on my engine, I believe that I used the original hardware. I am swapping cams tomarrow let me know what to look for and I will see if I can replace it with standard fastners.
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