Thread: TH350 to 700R4
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Old 01-19-2010, 03:53 PM   #44
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Re: TH350 to 700R4

Originally Posted by big dump View Post

Guys, is the Lock-Up kit necessary for the 700R4? I was under the impression that you didn't need to run it. Is it just for manual lock up? from the guys using them or planning to use them, what's the benefit?
Yes, it is necessary, you'll burn up the trans if you don't lock up the TC- either manual or automatic. Benefits are there too- gas mileage, etc. There is quite a bit of info on the web about this. The other thing that is very important is making sure you have the proper TV linkage and that is is adjusted properly. From what I have learned, if you get these 2 things right you'll love the swap, don't and you are in for some headaches.

Sorry, I didn't realize this thread was specific to the 205 t-case- the title only specifies the trans swap.

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