Thread: Skip White HEI
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Old 01-19-2010, 07:25 PM   #22
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Re: Skip White HEI


The Skip White distributor will not fit on 4x4s without modification of the top cover.

The new dizzy went in fairly easily but when I went to put the top cap on I realized that there was no way it was going to fit. It's just too tall and bangs into the firewall at the top as it curves in above the back of the motor. This is a HUGE problem because the top cap is secured by 4 screws that also secure the coil and the coil ground. On the stock cap the coil is held down by 4 separate screws and then the top cap has it's own 2 screws so it can run without the top cap. Not so with the Skip White.

I trimmed an inch or so off one side of the cap and got it to fit but it was still very hard to tighten the screws because of the curve of the firewall. In the end I just reused the stock coil mounting screws and top cap with the new distributor. All the screw holes and mounts in the aftermarket cap were the same as the GM unit.

If you are replacing a GM HEI you can reuse the top cap but if you're upgrading to HEI you will need to trim the top cap and also have some very low profile phillips screwdrivers on hand to tighten the cover/coil.

Skip White rebuild kit:

Skip White top cap:

GM top cap:

'72 Jimmy Build

Last edited by snowblind; 01-19-2010 at 07:26 PM.
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