Need help swapping in TH400
I have a 1970 4x4 K5 that had a BBC 454 in it that was kinda shoe-horned in. The th350 that was behind it is dead. I am putting in a th400 to replace the th350. Now, is there a simple, straight-forward method of accommodating the extra length of the th400 while providing some extra clearance for the valve covers that are oh-so close to the firewall in the current condition?
Will the factory big block motor mounts from the 72s move the motor forward enough to compensate fot eh longer th400? Will the factory BBC mounts help at all with the valve cover clearance issue??
We were considering moving the factory cross member forward 3-1/4" to help with VC clearance and compensate for the extra length of the th400. Has anybody attempted this??
Thanks for the help
Project Family Values Build Thread
-1971 C10 SWB Fleetside! Gathering parts now, will begin frame-off resto soon...
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