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Old 01-20-2010, 09:35 AM   #6
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Re: 3.73 gear swap for ????

I took a 4:11 out of my Sons 64 and put a 3:08 in it because the 4:11 was rattling my teeth out of my head at 65 MPH on the freeway. The tires that I had on it when I bought the truck were only 26 inches tall, I replaced them with 30 inch tall tires and with the 3:08 gear in the back its very comfortable at 70 now. I cant even imagine what the top end is on this thing now. Even with the 33 inch tall tires It might be worth the time to find a RPM calculator to figure out what you will have when all is said and done. If you google RPM calculator you will find that you have to put in Tire Size and Gear Ratio and speed to get the RPM's. Might be worth your time.
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