The top nut on top of the fuel bowl is the needle/seat, and adjust the float level.
Change the jets:
Grab a small spray paint can lid, and pull one of the bottom bowl screws. Gas will drain out. be sure to have a couple rags handy to soak up excess gas.
Pull other three bolts, and carefully pull the front bowl off. Then there will be a matering plate as well, that will need to be pulled off. Be careful not to rip any gaskets. Then you will see two jets and the powervalve. The powervalve will have a 6 and a 5 on the other side if it's a 6.5 powervalve. 5 and a 5 is a 5.5 and so on.
Why you have it off, you might as well replace it, and jet up at least two sizes. But, I think your problem is the pump squirter is too loose, and i would adjust that first.
If you had a blown powervalve, you'd be running really, really fat at idle and puffing black smoke and gas fouling plugs.
But to setup the proper way on PV, is to get a vacuum gaige and see what your idle vacuum is.
Good luck!