Originally Posted by sharpie1972
Us purists just had a heart attack..... To each his own.... I could not imagine doing that to one of our trucks. I bet the owner had $68,200+++++ into that ride though. Sharpie
I understand it's not a 100% stock resto but the mods (other than the fender vent) are all subtle and fit the look of the truck... imho

Originally Posted by weircc
i gotta be honest this truck is very sharp but not 68,000 worth i would rather have copperhead and i believe it sold around the same but JMO
I'd like to see anyone build this for less than 50K...
I like it, there are things I would change, but there are things on every vehicle I would change including vehicles I did in the past...
I liked copperhead too, but without the engine and notoriety, that would only be a 25-30K truck....there are nicer trucks than copperhead built by people on this board honestly...including some 100% restos and survivor resto's I'd rather have...