Does the rpm go up with the vacuum advance disconected and the line plugged? Which port do you have the vacuum advance hooked to? A couple of things to look at...pull the cap and suck on the vacuum should move the plate..if it dosent look and see if the plate is stuck. If its not stuck, the cannister might be bad/have a hole in it/stuck. The rpm range that you have the miss indicates it is probably in the vacuum advance
Just thought of something else..if the vacuum advance is working correctly, it could be the wire on the pickup thats slightly broken, and when the advance moves the plate it partially breaks the connection.
It's called "drag racing" if they called it "tic..tic..WHAM!..BANG! F*&K!!!", they'd have to keep the magazines under the counter with the other men's publications
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67 lwb..first hotrod in 25 years..540 best ET is 9.45 @ 141.44
Last edited by bigjimzlll; 04-29-2003 at 06:57 PM.