Re: 1970 K20 Rebuild
Thanks guys! I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment on my pics. Progress this weekend is going to be slow to non existent. I don't know if you watch the news but New Mexico is getting hit by some crazy weather. It's durn cold out thar!!! My garage is open and not heated so I may or may not go out there and work. I do have small stuff I can get done, but I'll have to play it by ear.
The plan right now, is installing the engine and underhood components. I got some cool little bolts for the headers, they have a hole in the head so you can run this steel wire thingy so they don't turn lose. We used to use the same bolts in the military for aircraft, except we used safety wire on them. That's what I"m going to do on these. I'd like to also prep it so use a second battery as well. If any of you have advice on this, please let me know. I want to run some off road lights, and maybe run a winch eventually. I'd like to hear pros and cons to this. I need to be able to go out in the boonies for days and not worry about running out of juice. I have to start on the wiring soon.
I also decided to keep the original Rochester Carb. I was told that it is a good carb and just didn't want to fork out the 250 to 350 bucks for a Holley or Edelbrock right now. I got a rebuild kit (Sorensen #96-209B was the only one available) since it came with the base gasket which I couldn't get by itself. I don't know if I'll tackle this or have someone do it. I do have a couple of carbs sitting around that I can practice on.
So any suggestions, please, keep 'em coming. As a newbie, I appreciate all the comments and any suggestions.
Since I don't have new pics of the k20 on this post, here are a couple of my Honey's 1500. Eventually I'm going to do some work on it and I'll be sure to post it in the proper forum. Yes, we are a Chevrolet family.