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Old 01-24-2010, 07:35 PM   #4
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Re: 70 Suburban on a 99 frame and drivetrain

It kinda depends. the 67-72 suburburbans have a 127" wheelbase, so the newer frame will probably have to be modified for the wheels to be located correctly.

Another thing, I believe the newer 1/2 pickups us a 10bolt rearend, and I think the 12 bolts that were under most of our old trucks are stronger. Also, I think the trailing arm suspension is better than leaf springs (if you have trailing arms).

When I get a suburban, I'm going to try to find a 3/4ton 4x4 duramax chasis and put the 'burb body on that. My main reason is I want the IFS 4x4 setup and I think it will be less work to get the body on the frame, than the engine and front suspension on the old frame. But with a 2wd I don't see a lot of advantage.
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