Originally Posted by Sammy
What about oil? Does it use any between oil changes? How is the drips from the pan area? Something to also think about when you consider changing the heads out is over powering the rings from increased compression with something that has that many miles. You may suddenly cause a huge increase in oil consumption in just a couple of thousand miles. Just some points..
I haven't really kept track, but I would say I uses about a quart in 2000 miles. It doesn't smoke or leak. Spark plugs are dry too. I seem to remember putting a new front seal in along with the pan gasket back when we did all the work on it.
I said it doesn't smoke, but I did see smoke once when I started it up in 25 degree weather after it sat and cold soaked for a week. For some reason, the cold idle was set way too high. It smoked for about 30 seconds or so before I shut it down. I backed out the cold idle screw, restarted it, no more smoke.