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Old 01-25-2010, 09:01 PM   #1
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help identifying part

I was replacing the PCV valve earlier and I found a broken vacuum line. I'm not sure if i broke it in the process or if it was already that way. It runs right next to the vacuum line for the pcv valve into the base of the throttle body and plugs into a black box that is mounted on the same bracket as the manifold absolute pressure sensor. I've gone through my haynes trying to figure out what it is, but the best I can do is the picture of the pcv valve on page 6-19. It shows a picture of the line that is broke.

Two questions what is the part it plugs into? and where can I get a new line? I've tried searching the part number 14102070 and can't get anything to match. I appreciate any help.

Here's a picture of what it plugs into. The pen is pointing to the box it plugs into.

THe second picture shows the port it plugs into next the pcv valve on the base of the throttle body (pen is not pointing to it)
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