Thread: Service manuals
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Old 01-26-2010, 04:55 PM   #8
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Re: Service manuals

I mentioned that I would report back when received the manual, here goes:

I purchased the service manual for 78 Chevy Truck, the one mentioned in 78 Chevyrado's reply. Shipping was excellent, ordered on a Sunday and got it the next Friday - that with Monday being MLK Day and the post office was closed. I got it from here.

The manual is good quality and printed on heavy stock. It is punched and bound together with a metal strap, the metal strap is then covered with what looks like a type of duct tape. He mentions in the advertisement that the manual can be cut apart and placed in a 3-ring binder - I may do that.

As a pleasant surprise, it also came with wiring diagrams. They are printed on 11x17 inch paper.

It was a bit pricey, about $62 + shipping, but I think it will be worth every penny. It will have paid for itself by the time I finish the brake job on the K30.

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Last edited by 68_Step; 01-26-2010 at 04:56 PM.
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