Thread: LA WTB: 5.3l-4l60e
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Old 01-27-2010, 02:33 PM   #6
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Re: WTB: 5.3l-4l60e

here are some sources I have come across in my research.

Here are a few Engine sources to look at. I only have experience with Spaulding Automotive. I will elaborate more when I finally start my build thread.


Here is a you tube link from one of their ads

Spaulding auto ready to run package

A couple people have bought from these guys

Schram auto

Pacific fab also does pull out and ready to run packages they also have a pretty cool 4X4 Ls crossmember I'll talk about later

Pacific Fab

Another vender that seems to have happy customers?


And last but not least car


These are all just a reference, buyer beware and I am not recomending anyone at the moment. Ask questions, try local and good luck there are deal out there
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