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Old 04-30-2003, 07:41 PM   #24
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I always get a kick from people who think GM is going down hill. Has anyone been paying attention to Cadillac? Look at the 2004 CTS V-series (400hp/390lb-lt of torque from the LS6 and only available with a 6-speed manual), the C6 based XLR which stickers for 75K, or the Escalade line. What about the 2004 GTO and Grand Prix? The 2004 Malibu and Saturn "Red Line" series are nice vehicles as well. GM has the best trucks and SUV's in the business hands down!

I love older cars and trucks from the good ol' days just as much as the other guy. However, these late-model vehicles are also well built and reliable.

Here's a picture of the CTS V-series.
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2001 Silverado bagged on 22's. *Sold*

Last edited by BaggedC10; 04-30-2003 at 07:55 PM.
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